I’m running up that hill …
Blisters, grumpiness and time to think. Jo contemplates the mixed blessings of running.
Training: Week 4
Distance: 9 miles
Time until marathon: 10 weeks
Here is a picture of the hill.
Looks lovely doesn’t it?
It’s not AT ALL, especially when it’s the 7th time of racing up it.
Well, the bits are starting to ‘fall off’ a little earlier than I anticipated!
I have already developed some lovely blisters which is delightful. My IT band* down my left-hand side is extremely tight which basically means I have to use a roller (or in my case a little hard yoga ball) to massage out the tension.
When I say ‘massage’, don’t get any ideas that this is some kind of lovely spa treatment - it is AGONY!
But, it is also essential if I am to keep on top of my training. Because I am training ‘with an injury’ I have decided to also enlist the help of a physio who has come very highly recommended. She is also well-known for being ‘effective but brutal’.
So again, no holiday camp here!
A cure for grumpiness
This week I started my 9 mile long run in -7 degrees, which may be an all-time record for me. I was in a massive grump before I left (it was freezing remember!) and a neighbour walked past and handed me a £50 donation for MSH (which I hasten to add I did not take with me!!).
So thank you, Des, and all the people who have sponsored me so far. It really is super motivational and, particularly this week, I really needed it to get my butt in gear and get out in the ice. (Not to worry, it seems that the rain is back ☹).
Another type of training
I have been combining training this week with my Safelives IDVA (Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) course. This has actually worked really well. The running has given me some space to process the sheer amount of information that I have consumed. The course is 300 hours so there is much more to go, but it is incredibly insightful, practical and useful.
I feel extremely grateful to be able to do this training and look forward to the positive impact this will have on my role at MSH and the clients we support.
Love Jo x
*Your IT band is a thick layer of connective tissue that runs from hip to shin bone on the outside of the thigh. It connects to lots of other muscles, so when it’s tight it HURTS!
How to sponsor me
If you can, please make this all worthwhile and sponsor me! I cannot overstate the motivational impact this has. Literally every penny I raise will be spent supporting women, keeping women safe, helping them to rebuild their lives and thrive, not just survive.
Visit my Fundraising page: Jo’s Marathon for MSH (peoplesfundraising.com)